All of the following rules must be followed and accepted.
1. Please respect all the people/members on RL-RP, no matter what their age, race, sex or what they look like in real life.
2. Do not insult/threaten anyone in the Out Of Character/Off Topic board areas.
3. Never spam the forum with pointless and useless posts or that are not related to the topic.
4. Do not make posts in huge text to gain more attention, it will just be deleted.
5. Do not insult/threaten anyone in the Out Of Character/Off Topic board areas.
6. Do not use huge signatures, keep it a reasonable size.
7. Respect and listen to all the Moderators & Administrators on the forums.
8. Never double, triple post.
9. Ensure that posts you write are in the correct sections [OOC/IC/Other].
10. Keep the forums clean and tidy. Make sure everything is nice looking and pretty much perfect.
11. Making a faction? Well it's going to be unofficial until' admins decide on whether it will become official or not. Asking to become official will get you blocked forever of coming official. You've been warned.